Monday 23 January 2012

Alaskan Malamute dog

The Alaskan Malamute was designated Alaska's State dog in 2010. It evolved as the draft horse of the Arctic and is an imposing, immensely strong anima, one of the oldest of the sled breeds. He has a proud stance and displays a curiosity and interest in his surroundings. He has a thick double coat and symmetrical markings. He is a typical Spitz-type dog with short ears and a tail which curls over the back. Despite some physical similarities it is not closely related to the 
alskan malamute
The nomadic Alaskan Mahlemiut (Mahlemut) tribe of Inuit Eskimo lived in upper western Alaska. They used dogs to pull sleds to move their possessions each time they shifted locations. An interdependent relationship between Eskimo and Malamute enabled both to exist in the harsh conditions. These dogs were highly valued and were vital to the lifestyle of their owners. The Alaskan Malamute is larger than the American and Siberian Husky and not as fast. Its power and stamina pulling heavy loads over long distances is legendary. It is certainly a fitting choice as Alaska's Official state dog.